Participants in the Workshop on
Genomic Methods for Species Conservation

Colin Baron, Illumina

Ray Bernor is a program director in the Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology Program at the National Science Foundation.

Tom Brooks, from Brighton, U.K., holds a B.A. (Hons) in Geography from the University of Cambridge (1993) and a Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Tennessee (1998). He is currently a Vice President in Conservation International's Center for Applied Biodiversity Science, and holds visiting positions at ICRAF − the World Agroforestry Center in the University of the Philippines Los Baños and in the Department of Geography of the University of Tasmania. He is an ornithologist by training, with extensive field experience in tropical forests of Asia, South America, and Africa. His interests lie in threatened species conservation (especially of birds) and in biodiversity hotspots (especially in tropical forests), and he has authored 164 scientific and popular articles, including 65 indexed in the ISI 'Web of Science' of which 19 have been in 'Nature' or 'Science'. He has served on the Executive Committee of the BP Conservation Leadership Programme since 2002 and the IUCN Species Survival Commission Steering Committee since 2004.

Bernard Buigues, International Mammoth Committee

Claude dePamphilis, Penn State

Rob Fleischer, Smithsonian Institution

Anthony Geneva comes from the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, where he manages the Laboratory for Molecular Systematics and Ecology (as well as the frozen tissue collection) and often works with curators in assessing requests for destructive sampling from specimens. He also has had some success in recovering sequences from older (~100 years) specimens from the museum's collections, recently in fish and molluscs.
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Matthias Glaubrecht, Berlin Museum
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Anders Götherström, Uppsala

Alex Greenwood is an Assistant Professor in the Biological Sciences Department at Old Dominion University and a Research Associate at the American Museum of Natural History. His expertise is in analyzing ancient DNA with a focus on nuclear and pathogen DNA. He is also investigating the roles of endogenous retroviruses in the evolution of their hosts and their ability to cause or influence disease.
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Tim Harkins, Roche

Vanessa Hayes is Group Leader of Cancer Genetics at the Children's Cancer Institute Australia and an Adjunct Professor of Biology at the Pennsylvania State University. Her expertise is in assessing genetic diversity in relation to risk factors of cancer development. She is currently focusing her research on the facial cancer that is threatening the survival of the Tasmanian devil.
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Blair Hedges is a professor in Penn State's Department of Biology. His expertise is in evolutionary biology, including systematics and evolutionary genomics.
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Kristofer Helgen is Curator of Mammals at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. He studies questions about mammalian evolution with special focus on systematics, biogeography, conservation biology, and recent extinctions.

Devin Locke is a Senior Scientist working in the Technology Development group at The Genome Center at Washington University, with expertise in the development of cDNA and genome sequencing protocols, as well as large-scale primate genome analyses. He is currently coordinating the International Orangutan Genome Analysis Consortium.
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Webb Miller is a professor in Penn State's Department of Biology and Department of Computer Science and Engineering. His expertise is in analyzing large amounts of genomic sequence data.
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William Murphy is an Associate Professor in the Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences at Texas A&M University. His expertise is in comparative genomics and molecular systematics of mammals, with an emphasis on molecular evolutionary analysis of feline genomes.
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Henry Nicholls is a freelance science journalist based in London, specializing in conservation, evolutionary biology, and history of science. He has written features on ancient DNA for PLoS Biology, Nature, and New Scientist, and his latest book is Lonesome George, the story of the "rarest living creature" and the struggle to conserve the Galapagos archipelago.

David Rollinson is a Merit Research Scientist at the Natural History Museum, London where he heads the Wolfson Wellcome Biomedical Laboratories. His main interests include evolutionary biology, speciation, and interactions of pathogens and hosts.
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Oliver Ryder is Associate Director of San Diego Zoo’s Institute for Conservation Research, where he heads the Genetics Division. He leads the effort to develop and utilize San Diego Zoo’s Frozen Zoo®, a unique and world-renowned collection of biomaterials, such as cell lines and DNA samples, from endangered species of mammals, birds and reptiles. He has lead or contributed to numerous studies that address the evolution and conservation of species, utilizing molecular and cytogenetic approaches.

Richard C. Sabin has been the Curator of the Mammal Group at the Natural History Museum (NHM) in London since 1992. Specific area of research interest: marine mammals (Cetacea). Developed NHM Mammal Group destructive sampling protocols in 1994. Expertise in tissue sample selection and tissue extraction from Museum specimens. Detailed knowledge of preparation, preservation and contamination issues which may affect DNA extraction from Museum specimens.

Tina Saey, Science News

Stephan C. Schuster is a professor in Penn State's Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. His interests are the application of next-generation sequencing to species extinction, population biology and species conservation. His is working with museum curators and wildlife biologists on assessing the biological diversity of species in past and present times.

Alexei Tikhonov is Director of the Zoological Museum and Deputy Director of the Zoological Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. He is a quaternary paleontologist, and since 1994 has been involved in different projects connected with ancient DNA from the remains of mammals of the Ice Age. The Zoological Institute has a DNA lab which specializes in studying DNA from the museum specimens.

Blaire Van Valkenburgh is a Professor in UCLA's Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and President of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Her expertise is in vertebrate paleobiology, with an emphasis on the evolutionary morphology of carnivores.
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Bob Wayne is a professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UCLA. He applies molecular genetic techniques to problems in conservation and evolutionary biology, and is perhaps best known for his research on dogs and endangered wild canids, living and extinct.

Yu Zhang is an assistant professor in Penn State's Department of Statistics. His expertise is in statistical analysis of genomic sequence data.
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